School Dinners
A choice of well-balanced, tasty meals is produced in the school’s own kitchen by Hertfordshire Catering Ltd (HCL). We run the Pupil Choice Menu which includes a nutritious packed lunch and vegetarian option. Menus are sent out termly to help you choose with your child and can be viewed on the HCL website:
If your child has a food allergy or intolerance and meets the qualifying criteria, HCL have a range menus designed especially for your child’s medical requirement. To apply, simply go to:
Apply for the HCL special menu
Children in our Reception Class, Year 1 and Year 2 are currently entitled to a free school meal under the Government’s Universal Free School Meals scheme (UIFSM).
Children in KS2 (Year 3 to Year 6) have to pay for school meals (unless parents are receiving certain benefits). Meals should be paid for paid for weekly in advance on the first morning of the school week via the Arbor App. Parents who wish to pay half-termly or termly in advance are very welcome to do so.
The current cost of meals can be found by asking at the school office.
If you are in receipt of benefits and are entitled to free school meals for your child/children please make use of this, it is your right!
Applications for Free School Meals can be made by visiting:
or by ringing 0300 123 4048.
Packed Lunches
Packed lunches should not include chocolate, sweets or fizzy drinks, or any food containing nuts. We do not allow any hot food such as soup to be brought in.
Healthy Snacks
All children from Nursery to Year 2 are provided with free fruit or vegetable as a snack each day. From Year 3 onwards parents / carers are able to send their children in with a piece of fruit for breaktime.
School Milk
School milk is available to all children. School milk is provided free to all children in Nursery and in Reception up until the term before a child turns five. You may be entitled to free milk if in receipt of certain benefits. You would need to make a Free School Meal application to qualify, please click the following link:
or call 0300 123 4048.
Water Bottles
All children must bring a named container of water into school to keep in the classroom. The bottle should be taken home each night, cleaned and refilled the next day. Please do not fill the bottle with juice, squash or other sugary drinks.