School Times
Nursery – 8.45am – 11.45am
Reception – 8.50am – 3.10pm
KS1(Years 1 & 2) – 8.50am – 3.10pm
KS2(Years 3,4.5 & 6) – 8.50am – 3.15pm
It is extremely important that children attend school regularly and arrive on time. Pupils arriving late are marked as late in the register and this is recorded on their report at the end of the year. The Attendance Improvement Officer visits the school regularly to monitor absences and lateness.
If your child has an appointment and will be late for school please notify the school office and class teacher prior to the appointment. On your child’s return to school please accompany your child to the school office so that they can be registered. If your child has an unavoidable appointment during school hours please report to the school office before collecting your child from the classroom.
It is extremely disruptive for a child to go on holiday during term time and children should not be taken out of school for holidays.
If your child is absent, please telephone or contact the school by email or via Arbor on the first day of absence, and keep us informed until your child’s return to school. In the case of longer absence, please telephone the school as it helps us to be aware of illnesses and in particular those that are infectious.
Please let us know if your child has been in contact with an infectious illness. If your child has a bout of sickness or diarrhoea, it is policy to allow 48 hours from the last episode before the child returns to school. This helps prevent the complaint spreading to other children.