- Y6 - Maths
- Fair trade - Fairtrade assembly and workshop.
- Art - Y2
- Trip to Chessington - Y6
- Art - Y6
- RE visit - Y1 and Y2
- Y2 - Hertford Museum
- Y4 - History Workshop
- Y1 - Trip to Waltham Abbey Gardens
- Y6 - History Workshop
- Yr2 Learning - Yr2 learned about thinking about different character’s feelings
- Yr6 - SATS breakfast
- Year 2 - DT
- Year 2 - Literacy
- Yr6 - D&T
- Red Nose Day - Comic Relief fundraising
- Yr2 Tie-Dye - Year 2 enjoyed making t-shirts with tie dye!
- Well being week - Mind workshops
- Yr2 - Computing
- Wellbeing Week - It is Wellbeing week in school!
- Yr2 Fabric collages - Yr2 enjoyed making fabric collages!
- Yr5 - Sikh Workshop
- Buddhism & Sikhism workshops - RE learning
- Maths - Year 6
- Panto - 'Little Red Riding Hood'
- Christmas Dinner - is being served ...
- Yr2 Art - Yr 2 loved creating the background for their Winter Scene art work.
- Y2 DT - Year 2 created healthy food snacks in DT and practised their cutting skills.
- Children in Need - Lots of Pudsey activities.
- Yr2 Basketball - Year 2 enjoyed Basketball in PE in school!
- Food Bank Donations - Thank you for all your contributions.
- Yr2 - Computing
- Y1 Art - Year 1's art topic is self portraits.
- Yr6 Viking Workshop - Year 6 spent the day in the life of a Viking.
- Yr2 Art - Year 2 enjoyed colour mixing in Art!
- Creative Writing Day - National Creative Writing Day!
- Y3 and Y4 - Rapid Fire Cricket
- Yr4 - Whipsnade Zoo
- PGL - Residential trip
- Yr2 - Stansted MountFitchet trip
- Yr2 - Toy Workshop
- Yr6 - WW1 History Workshop
- Yr4 - Egyptian Workshop
- Yr2 - Computing
- Yr2 Food tasting - Healthy snack food tasting in Yr2 for PSHE lesson!
- Yr2 Water Lilly experiment - The water lillies opened up when placed in water!
- Yr2 Science workshop - Yr2 enjoyed a Plants workshop as part of Science.
- World Book Day - Best dressed!
- World Book Day - Local author visit.
- Yr2 Observational Drawings - Yr2 learned about observational drawings!
- Yr2 Tie Dye Tshirts - These are some of Yr2’s tie dye t-shirts!
- Yr4 Science - Yr 4 worked with Setpoint constructing circuits.
- Yr2 Tie Dye - Yr2 have been making tie dye tops in class!
- Yr2 Tree of Dreams - Yr2 made this and each leaf has a dream on!
- Roman Workshop - Year 4 have enjoyed a wealth of activities based on the Romans.
- Yr4 Christingles - Yr4 made Christingles as part of RE, learning about symbols.
- Art Club - Art club were working with art based on Kandinsky.
- EYFS Dance Workshop - The children had fun learning Dance!
- EYFS Science - EYFS children enjoyed a Science day!
- Yr4 Mosaics - Yr 4 designed and produced their own mosaics!
- Yr4 Mad Science Electricity - We investigated circuits in the workshop!
- Yr4 African Dance Workshop - Yr 4 learned a dance as part of Black History Month.
- Forest School - The children enjoyed a fun afternoon outside!
- Yr6 Paradise Wildlife Park - Year 6 had a brilliant day exploring the Park!
- KS2 Treasure Island show - Well done to KS2 for their fantastic performances!
- Yr4 Whipsnade Zoo - Yr 4 had a lovely day at Whipsnade seeing all types of animals!
- School District Athletics - Well done to all our pupils who participated!
- Jubilee Celebrations - A wonderful day celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee!
- EYFS Seaside trip - Nursery and Reception children enjoyed a day in Southend!
- Yr4 Egyptian Workshop - Yr4 enjoyed an Egyptian themed workshop!
- Yr3 Celtic Harmony trip - Learning about what life was life in Anglo-Saxon times!
- Yr2 Stansted Mountfitchet trip - Year 2 had a fantastic day on their school trip!
- Yr4 Cricket - A lovely afternoon playing in a cricket tournament!
- Yr2 Science - We had lots of fun exploring different materials!
- Enterprise Day - Years 5 & 6 participated in an exciting Enterprise Day!
- Yr2 Butterflies - As part of science, we watched caterpillars turn into butterflies.
- Yr6 Netball Tournament - Our Netball team finished in 3rd place, well done!
- Comic Relief - Longlands raised a fantastic £410!
- Yr1&Yr2 Silly Science Workshop - Children investigated gravity chemical reactions!
- Yr6 Girls Football Tournament - A great team effort and tournament!
- EYFS Food Making Day - Exploring food from around the world!
- World Book Day - Celebrating World Book Day!
- Yr2 Pancake Day - Yr2 have been learning about Shrove Tuesday!
- Yr6 Football tournament - A credit to Longlands yesterday!
- Yr2 Mad Science Day - Enjoying our Mad Science workshop on growing!
- NSPCC Numbers Day - The children had fun participating in activities!
- Yr4 Roman Workshop - Yr4 made mosaics & became archaeologists!
- Yr2 DT - We’ve been making healthy snacks & chopping, cutting, spreading & slicing.
- Children In Need - Donations have raised an amazing £249 so far, well done!
- Yr5 STEM trip - We had a great time exploring and learning!
- Reception - Reception have been learning about Poppies and Remembrance.
- Reception - We’ve been reading “Whatever Next!” & made cardboard box rockets!
- Yr3 Science - We explored friction on different surfaces.
- Yr6 Stitching - Yr 6 have been mastering stitching in class!
- Yr3 Mad Science - Yr3 enjoyed their Mad Science workshop!
- Yr5 Walk - Yr5 went on a trip in the local area to conduct fieldwork for Geography.
- Yr6 Viking Day - Yr6 enjoyed a brilliant Viking Day Workshop!
- Yrs3&4 Sports Day - Years 3 and 4 enjoyed Sports Day!
- Yr5 Sports Day - Yr5 sprint final and obstacle course on Sports Day!
- Yr6 Sports Day - Yr6 sprint race on Sports Day!
- Yr5 Science - We have looked at volcanoes, earthquakes & natural disasters.