The purpose of Maths, as part of the curriculum, is to provide the children with many practical life skills. The aim of the mathematics curriculum is to ensure that all pupils become more fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, can reason mathematically and can solve problems with confidence. A high-quality Maths education will engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with knowledge and life-skills. As pupils progress, the intention is that children learn to justify mathematical concepts with reasons; ask questions to check understanding; develop mathematical vocabulary and build knowledge about the mathematics in the world around them. They will then be able to clarify their thinking as well as the use of Maths in a variety of real life situations. The children will take pride in their work, develop a love of Mathematics and most importantly, be equipped for the rest of their education.
Each class will take part in a daily mathematics lesson per day. Each session will be planned from the Herts Essential planning materials and will focus on one of the following strands:
- Number and Place Value
- Number – Addition, subtraction, Multiplication and Division.
- Number- Fractions
- Measurement
- Geometry – properties of shape and position and direction
- Statistics
Children are encouraged to explore mathematical concepts in a practical way. The use of the Concrete Pictorial Abstract approach results in Mathematical learning being scaffolded across all year groups by the use of effective representations and maths manipulatives. Using physical and visual aids help to build a child’s understanding of abstract maths. There is a strong focus on developing mental fluency with whole numbers, counting, place value and problem solving.
The mathematics curriculum is inter-connected with Science, Computing and Design and Technology. With the use of hand held technology and cross curricular methods we aim to make these links clear to pupils so they can make the connections between these subjects.
For our younger pupils the emphasis is on our practical experiences and the use of everyday objects to ensure that the children have secure foundations upon which to build.
Key mathematical vocabulary is introduced and used throughout, applying it to everyday experiences.
- Y1 Maths Learner (414.47KB)
- Y2 Maths Learner (420.38KB)
- Y3 Maths Learner (529.85KB)
- Y4 Maths Learner (431.34KB)
- Y5 Maths Learner (430.83KB)
- Y6 Maths Learner (440.05KB)
- Reception maths
- Maths area
- Tuff tray maths
- Year 1 maths
- Year 1 maths
- Year 1 maths
- Year 3 maths
- Year 4 maths
- Year 5 maths
- Year 5 maths
- Y6 Maths
- Y6 Maths
- Y6 Maths