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Religious Education


Learning about different cultures, celebrations and religions is vital to foster understanding, respect and tolerance in society and the world that we live in.  RE provides pupils with an important opportunity to build on their own identity and belonging within their community and in a diverse society. It also widens their views, presenting those that may differ from their own.   Our aim is for our children to leave Year 6 with a good knowledge and understanding of the six main world religions and beliefs of others.


Longlands primary school has a diverse community and our rich and varied RE curriculum reflects this. We want our children to ask questions about different religions, traditions and cultures around the world. We follow the Jigsaw RE  scheme, which enables us to meet the requirements of  the Herts SACRE Agreed Syllabus, which reflects the fact that the religious traditions of Great Britain are, in the main, Christian, whilst taking into account the teaching and practices of the other main religions represented in Great Britain. Religious Education is directly concerned with exploring and responding to religion.

Children learn about, and from religion by explaining agreed themes, e.g. celebration, the natural world and relationships. The emphasis is upon Christianity and its principles. We maintain links with local Parish Churches, with visits to and from the clergy/ministers. Other major religions are explored through festivals, artefacts, visitors and visits.  Across the school year, we aim to make R.E relevant by celebrating events, from holding whole school RE days, and themed lunches to carefully planning assembly themes. RE learning contributes to pupils’ personal development and well-being and to community cohesion by promoting mutual respect and tolerance in a diverse society.


Collective Worship or Assembly is a time for the children and staff to come together. Our aim is to further spiritual, moral and cultural development through an appreciation of core British values in which we respect the needs, rights and differences of others, and of the world in which we live. During the assembly there is a time for reflection. Assemblies are led by all members of staff and sometimes by visitors to our school.

Parents/carers have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of Religious Education lessons or collective worship, upon discussion with the Headteacher.
